Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Last Post

      With the school year drawing to a close so comes the end of this project. I'm writing this post after my presentation to my Anat/Phys class and possibly past its deadline. The finished hypothetical product I presented to the class is a highly genetically modified species of Green Algae that can symbiotically live within the human host blood stream, using photonic energy absorbed through the host’s skin and waste CO2 to produce usable O2 for the host. This was quite a mouthful to explain and I stammered a lot unfortunately during the presentation.
On the other hand most of the presentation I talked about the lessons of being resourceful and patient when it comes to studying for a project like this. This made the presentation easier to explain and in my opinion more important to listen to. It has been a long, exhausting, and even maddening project but in the end I enjoyed the challenge, the chance to learn, and the opportunity to take an idea that was nothing more than an interest and make it a possibility.